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AMD 2023: Closing Program

Updated: Nov 3, 2023

ASEAN Management Development (AMD) is a talent development program organized jointly between C asean and ThaiBev Group. The program is preparing executives in the ThaiBev group to be able to grow at the ASEAN level by developing and opening the business perspectives of the ThaiBev Group.

The AMD Batch 3 was held on March 20–24, 2023, in Bangkok, with a field trip to Ayutthaya on March 25, 2023, and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, on March 27–30, 2023, in collaboration with Saigon Beer-Alcohol-Beverage Corporation (SABECO).

The program was attended by 29 members of ThaiBev Group’s international talent pool who are ready to perform and have the potential to take regional roles with mobility to work across the region. The expected outcome is an innovative business project on "ThaiBev Group's Real-World Issue" that will become the main strategy in driving ThaiBev Group to be a stable and sustainable ASEAN leader.

After the insightful training course, first-round presentations, and final-round presentations to Chiefs, Project Sponsors, and Project Coaches, the winner is the "Vanguard" team, which proposed the Synergy between ThaiBev and SABECO. The team members are from ThaiBev, Oishi, F&N, SEBECO, and Times Publishing Group.

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