Our Work
In a good collaboration, mutual understanding is the foundation that comes from recognizing, understanding, and accepting the differences of one another. By achieving this combination, we can then learn and collectively grow as a community. C asean sees the importance of supporting the citizen of the world mindset, thus we have been working with partners to initiate activities under our three scopes of focus: Business & Sustainability, Learning & Talent Development, and Arts & Culture.

Our Work
Leadership &
Talent Development

Going toward sustainability with only good intentions is never enough, we need the right talents to gear our actions toward the path to save our planet, get rid of inequality, and create the ideal world where no one is left behind. The land of diversity such as ASEAN offers the pull of talent and endless possibilities for sustainable growth.
C asean has realized the potential of the human capital in the region, therefore, we have worked with various partners to initiate talent development programs that engaged ASEAN youth and encouraged them to act on their sustainability endeavor.
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ASEAN Youth Showcase 2020: identify identity