Our Work
In a good collaboration, mutual understanding is the foundation that comes from recognizing, understanding, and accepting the differences of one another. By achieving this combination, we can then learn and collectively grow as a community. C asean sees the importance of supporting the citizen of the world mindset, thus we have been working with partners to initiate activities under our three scopes of focus: Business & Sustainability, Learning & Talent Development, and Arts & Culture.

Thailand Sustainability Forum
Raise the awareness of social enterprises and create a space to share knowledge in sustainable practices.
Thailand Sustainability Forum 2019: Fostering Social Enterprises By definition, the world seemsto have a clear distinction between social and non-social business; in fact, all transactions are social, as they interact with people whether they are customers, employees, or suppliers. Considering the condition of the world today, focusing solely on revenue and profit is no longer an option, we all need to consider the impact reach from our business outcomes on environment and society.
Program objectives:
Raise the awareness of social enterprises and create a space to share knowledge in sustainable practices
Target audience:
200 guests from corporates, foundation, governments, NGOs, and social enterprises
Anatomy of the program:
The event is a four-day program, hosted in 3 different sites
Day One, C asean
Morning Session: Speeches from prominent figures and their perspective towards the social works in Thailand
Afternoon Session: 8 Talks of the real cases from social entrepreneurs
Day Two - Three
The first conference taking place in Bangkok, Social Business Day 2019 brought together more than 1,000 delegates from all over the world in the field of social business, along with icons of social innovation and entrepreneurship from 30 countries.
Day Four - SE Site Visits
There were 2 routes for studying
One in Nakhon Pathom, Samut Songkram, Samut Sakorn under the theme “The Trinity of Local Economy Development: Agriculture/Crafts/Tourism”
Two in Thonburi Bangkok under the theme “Kudeejeen Community: The Harmonious Melting Pot”